悼念國際奧運人總會前主席辭世 ( 2023年3月14日 )
迪克·福斯伯里(Dick Fosbury OLY)擔任第三任國際奧運人奧會主席,任期自2007年至2011年,享年76歲。
他卸下主席職務後,繼續傳承經驗給現任的主席橋伊·布祖(Joel Bouzou OLY),現任主席表示:「我們非常惋惜迪克的離世。他是我們所有人的好朋友,也是奥林匹克運動的核心價值的提倡者。我很榮幸能夠與他一起共事。他從國際奧運人總會退休後仍致力運動推廣,参加OLY House和其它相關活動,並且總是在我需要他的时候立即提供協助…..今天人們很容易濫用傳奇這個語詞,但他是一位真正的傳奇。他改變了所屬的專長運動,退休後繼續指導年輕運動員和奥林匹克運動員,是我們所有人的榜樣。」 (本會國際組摘譯)
WOA mourns the death of former President
14 | 3 | 2023
Dick Fosbury OLY, WOA President from 2007-2011, has died at the age of 76. Fosbury won gold at the Mexico Olympics in 1968 but was best known for revolutionising the sport of high jumping by inventing the Fosbury Flop.
Following his successful sporting career Fosbury was an advocate for the values of the Olympic Movement through his coaching of young athletes around the world and his service to Olympians as President of the US Olympians and Paralympians Association and as President of WOA. He was also one of Peace and Sport’s Champions for Peace.
Fosbury was elected as the third WOA President at the WOA General Assembly in Lausanne in 2007. He retired from the WOA just before London 2012 but was always available to give advice to his successor Joel Bouzou OLY.
“Dick will be sorely missed. He was a good friend to us all and a real advocate for the core values of the Olympic Movement. I was honoured to work with him both at the WOA and at Peace and Sport. He stayed in touch after he retired from the WOA, attended OLY House and other WOA events and was always there if I needed him” said Joel Bouzou OLY.
Joel added: “The word legend is used too easily these days. But Dick was a true legend. A man who changed his sport and then after he retired continued to give back to young athletes, to his fellow Olympians and to his community. A role model for us all.”