


從雅典到馬赛,一個反映2024年巴黎精神的現代旅程,聖火在奥林匹亞點燃後,將從希臘首都穿越地中海,將古奥運會的故鄉與 「光明之國 」連接起來。聖火將降落在馬賽老港,屆時將在城市碼頭舉行大型慶祝活動,紀念奥運火炬接力的開始。

Paris 2024 Olympic flame to arrive in Marseille, where the Torch Relay will begin its journey to the Olympic Stadium

After the Olympic flame lighting ceremony takes place in the ancient site of Olympia, Greece, the torch will arrive in Marseille in the south of France as it begins its journey to the Olympic Games Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony.

The Olympic Torch Relay, which is sponsored by Coca-Cola and Groupe BPCE, will then begin its long journey to the Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony, which is scheduled to take place on 26 July 2024 in France’s capital. The Torch Relay route will be revealed in May 2023.

From Athens to Marseille, a modern journey reflecting the spirit of Paris 2024. After the flame is lit in Olympia, it will travel from the capital of Greece across the Mediterranean Sea, connecting the homeland of the Ancient Olympics to the “Pays des Lumières”. The flame will land in Marseille’s Old Port, where the start of the Olympic Torch Relay will be marked with a large celebration taking place on the city docks.

Reference: https://olympics.com/en/news/paris-2024-olympic-flame-marseille-torch-relay-begin


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