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迪克·福斯伯里(Dick Fosbury OLY)擔任第三任國際奧運人奧會主席,任期自2007年至2011年,享年76歲。
他卸下主席職務後,繼續傳承經驗給現任的主席橋伊·布祖(Joel Bouzou OLY),現任主席表示:「我們非常惋惜迪克的離世。他是我們所有人的好朋友,也是奥林匹克運動的核心價值的提倡者。我很榮幸能夠與他一起共事。他從國際奧運人總會退休後仍致力運動推廣,参加OLY House和其它相關活動,並且總是在我需要他的时候立即提供協助…..今天人們很容易濫用傳奇這個語詞,但他是一位真正的傳奇。他改變了所屬的專長運動,退休後繼續指導年輕運動員和奥林匹克運動員,是我們所有人的榜樣。」 (本會國際組摘譯)
WOA mourns the death of former President
14 | 3 | 2023
Dick Fosbury OLY, WOA President from 2007-2011, has died at the age of 76. Fosbury won gold at the Mexico Olympics in 1968 but was best known for revolutionising the sport of high jumping by inventing the Fosbury Flop.
Following his successful sporting career Fosbury was an advocate for the values of the Olympic Movement through his coaching of young athletes around the world and his service to Olympians as President of the US Olympians and Paralympians Association and as President of WOA. He was also one of Peace and Sport’s Champions for Peace.
Fosbury was elected as the third WOA President at the WOA General Assembly in Lausanne in 2007. He retired from the WOA just before London 2012 but was always available to give advice to his successor Joel Bouzou OLY.
“Dick will be sorely missed. He was a good friend to us all and a real advocate for the core values of the Olympic Movement. I was honoured to work with him both at the WOA and at Peace and Sport. He stayed in touch after he retired from the WOA, attended OLY House and other WOA events and was always there if I needed him” said Joel Bouzou OLY.
Joel added: “The word legend is used too easily these days. But Dick was a true legend. A man who changed his sport and then after he retired continued to give back to young athletes, to his fellow Olympians and to his community. A role model for us all.”
從雅典到馬赛,一個反映2024年巴黎精神的現代旅程,聖火在奥林匹亞點燃後,將從希臘首都穿越地中海,將古奥運會的故鄉與 「光明之國 」連接起來。聖火將降落在馬賽老港,屆時將在城市碼頭舉行大型慶祝活動,紀念奥運火炬接力的開始。
Paris 2024 Olympic flame to arrive in Marseille, where the Torch Relay will begin its journey to the Olympic Stadium
After the Olympic flame lighting ceremony takes place in the ancient site of Olympia, Greece, the torch will arrive in Marseille in the south of France as it begins its journey to the Olympic Games Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony.
The Olympic Torch Relay, which is sponsored by Coca-Cola and Groupe BPCE, will then begin its long journey to the Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony, which is scheduled to take place on 26 July 2024 in France’s capital. The Torch Relay route will be revealed in May 2023.
From Athens to Marseille, a modern journey reflecting the spirit of Paris 2024. After the flame is lit in Olympia, it will travel from the capital of Greece across the Mediterranean Sea, connecting the homeland of the Ancient Olympics to the “Pays des Lumières”. The flame will land in Marseille’s Old Port, where the start of the Olympic Torch Relay will be marked with a large celebration taking place on the city docks.
Reference: https://olympics.com/en/news/paris-2024-olympic-flame-marseille-torch-relay-begin
Poker is a game that has always attracted its fair share of skilled players and opportunists. While poker requires skill, strategy, and intuition, some players may try to gain an advantage through less conventional methods. The rise of technology has brought about new ways for cheaters in poker to use tools like marked cards, infrared devices, and hidden cameras to tip the scales in their favor.
Cheaters in poker are always on the lookout for ways to alter the natural flow of the game. Whether it’s reading an opponent’s cards, predicting the next move, or even gaining an unfair insight into the shuffled deck, the goal is to use technology to level the playing field. The idea is to gain access to hidden information that other players can’t detect, leading to a significant advantage at the table.
Cheaters in poker have access to a variety of devices that help them gain an advantage. Some of the most common tools include infrared marked cards, barcode marked cards, and hidden cameras.
Infrared marked cards use special chemical liquids that are invisible to the naked eye but can be detected with infrared lenses. Players using infrared contact lenses or a small infrared camera can easily see the hidden markings on the cards, allowing them to make more informed decisions during gameplay.
Barcode marked cards are designed to look like regular playing cards. However, they are marked with invisible barcodes that can be detected with a scanner. When scanned, the barcode provides crucial information about the hand being played, giving the cheater a significant advantage in predicting the outcome of the game.
While some players may consider it part of the game to use these tools, they drastically change the nature of poker. The game, which is based on skill and chance, becomes skewed when players rely on devices to gain an unfair advantage. The use of such technologies makes the game less about intuition and strategy, and more about who can conceal their devices the best.
Cheating in poker has evolved alongside technology, and it’s important for players to understand the tools and techniques that are used to gain an advantage. Whether it’s marked cards, infrared lenses, or barcode scanners, technology plays a significant role in modern cheating strategies. To learn more about poker innovations, visit websites dedicated to the latest gambling technologies.
Poker has long been associated with skill, strategy, and a little bit of luck. However, as technology advances, so too do the methods of cheaters in poker. Today, cheaters can gain an unfair advantage by using devices that allow them to read cards, scan hidden markings, and even track the dealer’s moves. Let’s take a closer look at how these technologies work and how they are used by cheaters in poker games.
Cheaters in poker use a variety of sophisticated tools to gain an edge. These tools, which range from marked cards to hidden cameras, are designed to help players gather information that would otherwise be unavailable to them.
One of the most popular tools used by cheaters is the infrared marked card. These cards are treated with special inks that are invisible to the naked eye but can be detected with the help of infrared lenses or infrared contact lenses. By using these devices, cheaters can view the hidden markings and gain valuable insights into the game.
Another tool used by cheaters in poker is barcode marked cards. These cards appear to be regular playing cards, but they contain invisible barcodes that can be scanned with a special device. Once the barcode is scanned, the information about the cards is transmitted to a handheld device, giving the player the upper hand in the game.
The influence of technology on poker tournaments is undeniable. With tools like infrared marked cards and barcode scanners, cheaters can gather information that would be impossible to obtain through traditional methods. This alters the balance of the game and can significantly impact the outcome of a hand.
While some players may look for ways to cheat in poker, understanding the technology behind these cheating methods is key to staying ahead in the game. By recognizing the tools used by cheaters, players can better protect themselves and ensure that their gameplay remains fair. To stay informed on poker innovations and tools, check out other websites dedicated to the latest trends in gambling technologies.
Poker is known for its blend of skill, strategy, and chance. However, in recent years, technology has made its mark on the game, providing cheaters in poker with new ways to gain an advantage. These technological advancements can allow players to secretly view hidden information, read opponents’ cards, and ultimately alter the outcome of the game.
The tools used by cheaters in poker are designed to provide them with an unfair advantage, often by enabling them to view cards or gain insights into hidden information. These devices, such as infrared cameras and marked cards, allow cheaters to make better decisions during the game, increasing their chances of winning.
Infrared marked cards are a popular tool among cheaters. These cards are marked with a special ink that is invisible to the naked eye but can be seen with infrared lenses. By using infrared contact lenses or an infrared camera, players can view these markings and gain an advantage over other players at the table.
Barcode marked cards are another tool that cheaters use to gain an advantage in poker games. These cards have an invisible barcode printed on their edges. By using a scanner to read the barcode, the cheater can access information about the hand being played, providing them with critical insights that can influence their betting decisions.
The use of these advanced technologies dramatically changes the nature of poker. Players who use devices to cheat no longer rely on their skills and instincts to win but rather on the hidden information provided by their gadgets. This shift from skill-based gameplay to technology-based cheating can undermine the integrity of the game.
Cheating in poker has evolved alongside technological advancements. From infrared marked cards to barcode scanners, these tools allow players to gain an unfair edge over their opponents. By understanding how these devices work, players can better protect themselves and ensure a fair game. For more information on the latest poker innovations and tools, check out other websites focused on gambling technologies.
Poker is a game that thrives on tradition, but that doesn’t mean it can’t evolve. One of the latest innovations in the poker world is the use of rectangular poker chips. These chips are quickly gaining popularity for their unique design and the practical benefits they offer, making them an excellent choice for both casual players and professional casinos.
Rectangular poker chips stand out from the crowd due to their distinctive shape. This unique design is not just for aesthetic purposes; it also offers several practical advantages that enhance the gaming experience. The flat edges of rectangular chips make them easier to stack and handle, providing greater stability during play. This is particularly beneficial in high-stakes games where large stacks of chips are often in play.
The shape also allows for more creative and detailed designs. Casinos and private players alike can utilize the larger surface area of rectangular poker chips to incorporate intricate patterns, logos, or even security features that are more challenging to include on round chips. This added customization potential makes rectangular chips an excellent choice for those looking to add a personal or branded touch to their games.
One of the key advantages of rectangular poker chips is their durability. These chips are often made from high-quality materials designed to withstand the wear and tear of regular use. The rectangular shape adds structural integrity, making these chips more resistant to chipping and breaking compared to their round counterparts. This durability ensures that the chips maintain their appearance and functionality over time, providing a consistent and reliable gaming experience for players.
From a functional perspective, rectangular poker chips excel in ease of use. The flat sides make these chips easier to stack neatly, which is a practical advantage in fast-paced games where quick and accurate handling of chips is essential. Additionally, the distinct shape of the chips makes it easier for dealers and players to quickly identify different denominations, speeding up the pace of the game and contributing to a more efficient gaming session.
The introduction of rectangular poker chips can significantly enhance the overall player experience. The unique shape and design of these chips add a touch of novelty and sophistication to the game, making it more engaging and memorable for players. Many players appreciate the distinct look and feel of rectangular chips, which can make the game feel more special and exclusive.
Moreover, the practicality of rectangular chips improves the flow of the game. Players can focus more on their strategy and less on managing their chip stacks, leading to a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience. This streamlined gameplay not only enhances player satisfaction but can also encourage longer gaming sessions, which is beneficial for both casual games and professional tournaments.
Rectangular poker chips offer extensive opportunities for customization, making them an excellent tool for branding and personal expression. The larger surface area allows for the inclusion of detailed logos, vibrant colors, and unique designs that reflect the theme or identity of a casino or a private player. This customization not only enhances the visual appeal of the chips but also serves as a powerful branding tool, reinforcing the identity of the casino or event.
In addition to aesthetic customization, rectangular poker chips can also be equipped with advanced security features. Casinos can incorporate RFID technology, holographic elements, or other anti-counterfeiting measures to protect the integrity of their games and ensure that players can trust the authenticity of the chips they are using. These security features are especially important in professional settings where maintaining the fairness and legitimacy of the game is paramount.
As the gaming industry continues to evolve, so do the tools and accessories that enhance the poker experience. Rectangular poker chips are quickly gaining popularity for their unique design, durability, and extensive customization options. These chips offer a modern twist on a classic gaming element, making them a valuable addition to any poker table.
For those interested in exploring the possibilities of rectangular poker chips for their games or casino, consider partnering with macaumr, a trusted supplier known for their high-quality casino products and commitment to innovation.
Marked Bicycle playing cards are a powerful tool in the world of card games, offering players a strategic advantage that can significantly enhance their chances of winning.
Marked Bicycle playing cards look like regular Bicycle cards but feature hidden markings on their backs. These markings are invisible to those unaware of them, allowing players to identify each card’s value and suit discreetly. This information provides a critical edge in strategic planning and decision-making during the game.
Combining marked Bicycle playing cards with a poker hand analyzer greatly enhances their effectiveness. A poker hand analyzer processes data from the marked cards, offering real-time analysis and strategic guidance. This tool helps players make better-informed decisions, improving their overall gameplay.
Hidden camera scanners are essential for the effective use of marked Bicycle playing cards. These scanners read the hidden markings and transmit the data to the poker hand analyzer, ensuring players have continuous access to crucial information without interrupting the game. This integration allows for seamless and strategic gameplay.
Marked Bicycle playing cards are not just for poker. They are also valuable in other card games and magic tricks. Magicians use marked cards to perform astonishing tricks, adding an element of mystery to their acts. Players in various card games can leverage marked cards to gain a strategic advantage and improve their performance.
As technology progresses, the design and application of marked Bicycle playing cards will become more sophisticated and harder to detect. For the latest developments and uses of marked Bicycle playing cards, visit pokercheat8.com.
Marked Bicycle playing cards represent a blend of traditional card playing and modern technology, offering players a unique strategic tool that can transform their approach to games. As these methods evolve, their impact on card games will continue to grow, providing exciting opportunities for players and performers alike.
In the dynamic world of poker, players constantly seek new ways to gain an edge over their opponents. One of the latest innovations that has captured attention is the use of invisible ink and glasses. This article will explore how these tools work together to provide poker players with a significant advantage.
Invisible ink and glasses work in tandem to reveal hidden markings on playing cards. Invisible ink is applied to the cards, and these markings are invisible to the naked eye. However, when viewed through specialized glasses, these hidden marks become visible. This technology allows players to see information that is otherwise concealed, giving them a strategic upper hand.
Infrared marked cards are specifically designed to be used with invisible ink glasses. These cards are marked with an infrared ink that is invisible under normal lighting but can be seen through the specialized glasses. The markings indicate the value and suit of each card, providing players with critical information that can influence their decisions and strategies during the game.
Infrared sunglasses play a crucial role in the effectiveness of using invisible ink and glasses. These sunglasses are equipped with lenses that can detect infrared light, revealing the hidden markings on the cards. By wearing infrared sunglasses, players can discreetly gather information without alerting their opponents, seamlessly integrating advanced tactics into their gameplay.
Playing cards marked with invisible ink are designed to look like regular cards, ensuring they do not raise suspicion among other players. The invisible ink markings provide essential details about the card’s identity, such as its value and suit, which become visible through the specialized glasses. This hidden information allows players to make more informed decisions and gain a competitive edge.
For those interested in exploring the benefits of invisible ink and glasses and other advanced poker tools, markedpoker.com offers a comprehensive range of products. The website includes everything from infrared marked cards to infrared sunglasses, helping players enhance their poker strategies. By visiting markedpoker.com, players can find new ways to gain a competitive advantage in their poker games.
Invisible ink and glasses represent a significant leap forward in poker technology, providing players with hidden insights that can greatly improve their strategic play. When combined with infrared marked cards and infrared sunglasses, these tools become invaluable assets for any serious poker player. Explore the potential of this cutting-edge technology and discover how it can transform your poker experience.